sacred geometry

Open Eyed



Freeing sovereignty

A Journey for Women to reveal their feminine essence

May 12 to May 17 2024

CAiro & Almaza, Egypt

flower Of Life Symbol
flower Of Life Symbol

We are honoured and proud to invite you from

May 12 to May 17, 2024

to embark on a journey of rediscovery of your true feminine essence and divine reconnection. The journey begins with a sound healing session featuring exclusive private access to the Giza Pyramids, renowned for awakening and aligning the throat chakra.

The adventure continues with travel to Almaza for a luxurious 5-day stay on one of Egypt’s most scenic beaches. During this time, you will participate in a 4-day Feminine Embodiment Workshop, including guided meditations, somatic teachings, sound healing, and more. Accommodations, daily breakfast and dinner are included.

Limited private sessions are available for a more personalized experience.

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flower Of Life Symbol
flower Of Life Symbol

In our demanding world, we often experience duality—a separation of masculine and feminine. We frequently find ourselves in roles where we seek refuge in our masculine, such as single moms, corporate jobs or struggling relationships.

Living in duality creates contrast and opposition in our lives. By balancing our masculine and exposing the layers that hide our feminine, we can reconnect with our feminine essence, creating polarity. Like magnets, we unite and attract life to and for us.

we then can turn running on fumes into abundant energy, judgment into discernment, chasing into attracting, stress into peace and Force into flow.

Our vision is to support women in embodying and integrating their feminine essence. Reconnecting them to their hearts and innate power, creating harmonious polarity in their inner and outer lives. Open Eyed Traveler’s purpose aims to support the advancement of active global consciousness and healing by sharing learned guidance and healing.

flower Of Life Symbol
flower Of Life Symbol
Flying Birds Illustration

Freeing Sovereignty



Great Pyramid of Giza
Ayurvedic Therapist Busy Preparing Medicine

Day 1. Experience Giza

  • Welcome Session at Mena Hotel
  • Exclusive Access to private sound healing in the king’s chamber
  • Private dinner and women’s circle to share and integrate
Golden Singing Bowl with Flowers and Mallet on Grey Wooden Table, Closeup. Sound Healing

Day 2. Embrace Sahel

  • Travel to Sahel
  • Light lunch buffet
  • Intro to Feminine Embodiment Workshop
  • Beach Sunset Sound healing with Chakra clearing and allignment
  • Dinner on the beach
flower Of Life Symbol
flower Of Life Symbol

Day 3. Reconnect

  • Breakfast Provided
  • AM guided meditation with sound healing
  • Feminine Embodiment Workshop
    • Ego, Frequency and Intuition
  • Intuitive Kinesiology
  • Ayurveda Nutrition Session
  • Beach sunset with sound healing and guided meditation
  • Bonfire dinner

Day 4. Open the Gate

  • Breakfast Provided
  • Morning restorative breath work and group reiki session
  • Feminine Embodiment Workshop
    • Courage, Surrender, Flow and Body Systems
  • Somatic Movement
  • Sunset Dinner

Day 5. The Dance

  • Breakfast Provided
  • Yin Yoga and Sound Healing session
  • Feminine Embodiment Workshop
    • Polarity, the masculine and relationships
  • Share circle
  • Sunset Dinner
  • Cocoa Ceremony with sound healing
  • Ecstatic Dance Party
  • Breakfast Provided
  • Yin Yoga and Sound Healing session
  • Feminine Embodiment Workshop
    • Polarity, the masculine and relationships
  • Share circle
  • Sunset Dinner
  • Cocoa Ceremony with sound healing
  • Ecstatic Dance Party

Day 6. Free Your Sovereignty

  • Walking Meditation
  • Farewell Breakfast
  • Transport to Cairo
  • Any assistance with additional hotel and transportation available upon request
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flower Of Life Symbol

Meet the team

Freeing Sovereignty

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Stacey commenced her energy work as an intuitive self-practice. After a life changing experience, Stacey discovered her first breathwork class. This profound experience and energetic release led her to rediscover her heart, voice, essence and power. She learned what coexisting consciously with her ego meant and how trapped emotions/energy can create dis-ease in the body and disconnection to your divinity. As Stacey continued on her journey of healing, she saw a world that needed the same love and care as she did.

With 12 years in critical care and emergency nursing, Stacey observed gaps in the medical system. This called her to help fill those gaps - connecting practitioners from other health modalities.

Stacey wants the world to know that everyone has the ability to connect to their power through healing and rediscovery. Her journey inspired Open Eyed Traveler, an organization designed to create a community of learning, growing and healing. Open Eyed Traveler’s mission is to provide all populations and businesses access to reliable, credible and conscious forward resources associated with all health and wellness modalities. It’s a resource founded in healing and compassion, connecting you to local and global practitioners, events and communities.

Stacey Oliveros-Schettino

Founder, Open Eyed Traveler

Host / Speaker / Facilitator

Stacey Oliveros-Schettino is a registered nurse, certified reiki healer and certified intuitive kinesiologist. Her purpose is to guide individuals toward embodying their true essence and power for global consciousness and healing. She aims at connecting conscious forward practitioners and businesses to provide all populations complete care. Her work with clients often leads to improved bodily functions, deepening of relationships, and an improved regulated nervous system.

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flower Of Life Symbol
flower Of Life Symbol

Loulii Megahed is a certified ashtanga yoga teacher 200 h, a sound healing therapist, yoga nidra guide, Liberation through movement facilitator. She combines meditation, movement and sound healing to connect people with there bodies - releasing mental, emotional and physical stress that we carry on a physical and energetic level.

Sound healing & it’s effects:

Its an ancient tool used for healing

for many decades. It is said that

Loulii Megahed

Sound Healer Therapist

Somatic Movement Facilitator

illness is a manifestation from dis-harmony within the body—an imbalance in the cells or a given organ.

When singing bowls are played their vibration travels through your body on a cellular level - vibrating the water in it (our bodies are 70% water). This releases any blockages from the cells (mental, physical and emotional blockages), and synchronizes brain waves to enhances awareness of the mind/body connection. The sound vibrations also impacts our nervous system, engaging our relaxation reflex and reducing the stress or pain response, leaving you with a more balanced energy flow.

Hannia Zanana

Certified Ayurveda Nutritionist

Coordinator / Co-Host

Hannia Zanana, a certified health coach and personal trainer, is reshaping the landscape of health and wellness. She is dedicated to guiding individuals toward holistic wellness by emphasizing the five key elements of life: nutrition, sleep, stress management, exercise, and mindset.

After bidding farewell to the corporate world, Hannia discovered her true calling: empowering individuals to lead healthier, more fulfilling lives through the art of health coaching. What sets Hannia

apart is her seamless ntegration of evidence-based health recommendations with practical solutions that work in real-life scenarios, all within a holistic approach.

But it doesn't stop there. Hannia is also deeply passionate about sharing knowledge, experience, and insights through engaging talks and workshops. Whether individuals are striving to shed excess weight, boost their energy levels, or simply enhance their overall well-being, she is there to provide unwavering support and guidance every step of the way.

Hannia's mission is to revolutionize the way people think about health and wellness. With her unique background, she is changing lives one client at a time. Together, you will embark on a journey towards a healthier, stronger, and more vibrant life.

flower Of Life Symbol
flower Of Life Symbol
Flying Birds Illustration

Freeing Sovereignty



Ask about our

Local’s Prices

per person


April 26, 2024

Limited spots


$4200 per person

single occupancy

$3600 per person

double occupancy

day 1 at giza pyraminds:

  • transportation from Cairo airport to hotel and giza included
  • dinner included

day 2-6: Hotel, Breakfast and dinner included

day 6: transportation to cairo airport included


Private sessions available for additional charge.

assistance with additional accomodations and transportation available upon request.